join us for

Women's Day 2023

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3/18/23 10:00 am

Women's Day 2023

Kaʻiwakīloumoku Hawaiian Cultural Center

He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature - 2 Peter 1:4 NIV

Join us for Women's Day 2023! The theme this year is ‘Ano Akua, which means Divine Nature. During our time together, we will enjoy ‘ono Hawaiian food, hear faith-building testimonies, and make memories together through activities such as lei making and ku‘i kalo (poi pounding).

Thanks be to God that He created us in His image. Thanks be to God for His very great and precious promises. Thanks be to God that He provides us with the opportunity to participate in the divine nature and reflect His glory. We look forward to enjoying God's goodness with you this Women's Day!

Early Bird Registration (2/1-2/15) is $30.

General Registration (2/16-3/1) is $40.